Tuesday 14 February 2012


Today we learnt how to use Lighting in 3DS Max. The First light we used was a Omni Light, which gives off light in all directions similar to a naked light bulb. We then turned on the shadows features and edited the intensity to make them sharper and smoother.
We then added and second Omni Light and Excluded a object from the light. The teapot is the example below:
We then learnt how to use the Target Spot lighting effect. To Begin we imported a pumpkin model created by Richard. We added a Omni Light inside the pumpkin, changed the colour of the light to orange to simulate a candle and turned on the Shadow effect.
We then added a Target Spot light above the Pumpkin and angled it down onto the pumpkin. We changed the colour of the light to green and then opened the Environment effects menu. In here we changed the Density of the Fog effect to create a "Spooky" Lighting effect.

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